

servicemesh.es 网站的介绍


A service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer that adds features to a network between services. It allows to control traffic and gain insights throughout the system. Observability, traffic shifting (for canary releasing), resiliency features (such as circuit breaking and retry/timeout) and automatic mutual TLS can be configured once and enforced in a decentralized fashion. In contrast to libraries, which are used for similar functionality, a service mesh does not require code changes. Instead, it adds a layer of additional containers that implement the features reliably and agnostic to technology or programming language.


The value of a service mesh grows with the number of services an application consists of. Logically, microservices architectures are the most common use cases for a service mesh. However, the specific interaction might be more relevant in regards to how a service mesh can improve the control, reliability, security, and observability of the services. Even a monolith could benefit from a service mesh and some concrete microservice applications might not.
