[译] 使用CloudEvents和CloudEvents生成器
英文原文来自 Using CloudEvents and CloudEvents Generator,作者 Ratros Y.,文章发表于2019年9月。
本文档讨论了CloudEvents和CloudEvents Generator的使用方法,帮助更好地理解本教程系列其他教程中使用的演示项目,这是 《构建事件驱动的云应用和服务》系列教程的第二篇。
CloudEvents是由云原生计算基金会的serverless工作组组织的一个倡议,其目标是规范事件发布者如何描述他们的事件。目前这个倡议还在努力中,规范还没有稳定下来;许多云服务提供商和开源项目已经宣布了采用这个规范的计划,包括Knative Eventing和Azure。
您可以在这里阅读 最新版本的规范(0.3)。
CloudEvent 由许多属性组成,例如事件的 ID 和事件的类型。CloudEvent Specification 定义了 CloudEvent 可能具有的必要和可选属性集合,如下所示:
Attribute Name | 类型 | 备注 |
id |
String | Required. The ID of the event. A CloudEvent is uniquely identified with its source and id . |
source |
String (URI-reference) | Required. The source of the event. |
specversion |
String | Required. The version of CloudEvents Specification the Cloud Event uses. |
type |
String | Required. The type of the event. |
datacontentencoding |
String (RFC 2045 Section 6.1) | Optional. The encoding of data (if the field stores binary data). |
datacontenttype |
String (RFC 2046) | Optional. The content type of data . |
schemaurl |
String (URI-reference) | Optional. The schema of data. |
subject |
String | Optional. The subject of the event. |
time |
String (Timestamp) | Optional. The timestamp when the event happens. |
data |
N/A | Optional. The payload of the event. |
此外,CloudEvents 允许开发人员通过扩展来添加自己的属性集。文档化的扩展列表可在这里获得.
CloudEvents 绑定有助于在应用、服务和设备之间传输事件。例如,您可以将事件绑定到 JSON 格式,或者将其映射到 HTTP 请求。
CloudEvents 生成器
Normally, to build a CloudEvent, you will have to use an in-memory structure of your preferred programming language directly, or uses CloudEvents SDK (also a work in progress):
通常情况下,要构建一个CloudEvent,需要直接使用自己喜欢的编程语言的内存结构,或者使用CloudEvents SDK(也在进行中):
import datetime
import json
import uuid
event = {}
event['id'] = str(uuid.uuid4())
event['source'] = 'my-event-source'
event[type] = 'my-event-type'
event['specversion'] = '0.3'
event['time'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat('T') + 'Z'
event['data'] = 'Hello World!'
event_json_str = json.dumps(event)
# Alternatively with Cloud Events SDK
from cloudevents.sdk.event import v03
event = (
SetEventTime(datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat('T') + 'Z').
SetData('Hello World!')
在本系列教程中,为了简单起见,我们使用一个实验性的项目CloudEvents Generator来发布和接收事件。该工具以JSON或YAML格式的事件模式作为输入,并准备一个自己的事件schema,你可以用它来发布和接收事件。schema输入和事件库也可以帮助团队在事件驱动的系统中更好地协作。例如,要用CloudEvents Generator发送上述片段中的事件,首先指定 schema 如下:
# Define an event type, basic
# Set up an attribute id which is auto-poulated with UUIDv4 string
type: string
format: UUIDv4
auto: true
# Set up an attribute source with a default value
type: string
default: my-event-source
# Set up an attribute type with a default value
type: string
default: my-event-type
# Set up an attribute specversion with a default value
type: string
default: "0.3"
# Set up an attribute time which is auto-populated with RFC3339 timestamp
type: string
format: RFC3339
auto: true
# Set up an attribute data
type: string
Pass the schema to CloudEvents Generator, and ask it to prepare a Python package. You can then use this package to create the same event:
将模式传给CloudEvents Generator,并要求它准备Python包。然后你可以使用这个包来创建同样的事件:
from mypackage import Basic
# Attributes id and time will be auto-populated
# If not specified, attributes source, type, and specversion use their respective default values
event = Basic(data = 'Hello World!')
event_json_str = event.to_JSON()
要查看CloudEvents Generator的运行情况,请点击下面的按钮在Cloud Shell中试用。