

2017-12-05 Conduit 0.1.0 发布


  • 仅支持HTTP2(后续版本增加了对HTTP1.1的支持)
  • 仅仅支持k8s部署(到2021年都只支持k8s)

2017-12-05 博客:Introducing Conduit


We’ve built Conduit from the ground up to be the fastest, lightest, simplest, and most secure service mesh in the world. It features an incredibly fast and safe data plane written in Rust, a simple yet powerful control plane written in Go, and a design that’s focused on performance, security, and usability. Most importantly, Conduit incorporates the many lessons we’ve learned from over 18 months of production service mesh experience with Linkerd.


One thing we’ve learned is that there are deployment models where Linkerd’s resource footprint is simply too high. While Linkerd’s building blocks—widely-adopted, production-tested components like Finagle, Netty, Scala, and the JVM—allow Linkerd scale up to incredibly high workloads when given lots of CPU and RAM, they aren’t designed to scale down to environments that have limited resources—in particular, to sidecar-based Kubernetes deployments. So, earlier this year, we asked ourselves: if we could build the ideal service mesh, focused on ultra-low-resource environments, but with the benefit of everything we’ve learned from 18 months of production service mesh experience—what would we build?


The answer is Conduit. Conduit is a next generation service mesh that makes microservices safe and reliable. Just like Linkerd, it does this by transparently managing the runtime communication between services, automatically providing features for observability, reliability, security, and flexibility. And just like Linkerd, it’s deployed as a data plane of lightweight proxies that run alongside application code, and a control plane of highly available controller processes. Unlike Linkerd, however, Conduit is explicitly designed for low resource sidecar deployments in Kubernetes.



Blazingly fast and lightweight A single Conduit proxy has a sub-millisecond p99 latency and runs with less than 10mb RSS. 惊人的速度和重量 单一的Conduit代理的p99延迟为亚毫秒级,并以低于10MB的RSS运行。

Built for security From Rust’s memory safety guarantees to TLS by default, we’re focused on making sure Conduit has security in mind from the very beginning. 为安全而构建 从 Rust 的内存安全保证到默认的TLS,我们专注于确保 Conduit 从一开始就考虑到安全性。

Minimalist Conduit’s feature set is designed to be as minimal and as composable as possible, while allowing customization through gRPC plugins. 极简主义 Conduit 的功能集被设计为尽可能的简约和可组合,同时允许通过 gRPC 插件进行定制。