Task Hub 管理

在 Durable Task Framework 中对 Task Hub 进行管理


TaskHubWorker 的 API 可用于对 TaskHub 本身执行 CRUD 操作。

string serviceBusConnString = "Endpoint=sb://<namespace>.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedSecretIssuer=[issuer];SharedSecretValue=[value]";

string tableConnectionString = "UseDevelopmentStorage=true;DevelopmentStorageProxyUri=";

TaskHubWorker hubWorker = new TaskHubWorker("mytesthub", serviceBusConnString, tableConnectionString);

// creates the required underlying entities in Service Bus and Azure Storage for the task hub

// creates the required underlying entities in Service Bus and Azure Storage for the task hub
// only if they don't already exist

// deletes the underlying entities in Service Bus and Azure Storage for the task hub

// existence check
bool hubExists = hubWorker.HubExists();

Azure 存储连接字符串是可选的。如果不提供该字符串,将无法创建实例存储,因此也就无法查询实例数据。