
workflow runtime运行时获取工作任务的源码概述


DurableTaskGrpcWorker 会调用 sidecarClient.getWorkItems() 来获取工作任务。

private final TaskHubSidecarServiceBlockingStub sidecarClient;

while (true) {
  try {
      GetWorkItemsRequest getWorkItemsRequest = GetWorkItemsRequest.newBuilder().build();
      Iterator<WorkItem> workItemStream = this.sidecarClient.getWorkItems(getWorkItemsRequest);
      while (workItemStream.hasNext()) {
  } catch{}


proto 定义

TaskHubSidecarServiceBlockingStub 是根据 protobuf 文件生成的 grpc 代码,其 protobuf 定义在submodules/durabletask-protobuf/protos/orchestrator_service.proto 文件中。

service TaskHubSidecarService {
    rpc GetWorkItems(GetWorkItemsRequest) returns (stream WorkItem);

GetWorkItemsRequest 和 WorkItem 的消息定义为:

message GetWorkItemsRequest {
    // No parameters currently

message WorkItem {
    oneof request {
        OrchestratorRequest orchestratorRequest = 1;
        ActivityRequest activityRequest = 2;

WorkItem 可能是 OrchestratorRequest 或者 ActivityRequest 。


message OrchestratorRequest {
    string instanceId = 1;
    google.protobuf.StringValue executionId = 2;
    repeated HistoryEvent pastEvents = 3;
    repeated HistoryEvent newEvents = 4;


message ActivityRequest {
    string name = 1;
    google.protobuf.StringValue version = 2;
    google.protobuf.StringValue input = 3;
    OrchestrationInstance orchestrationInstance = 4;
    int32 taskId = 5;


message HistoryEvent {
    int32 eventId = 1;
    google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 2;
    oneof eventType {
        ExecutionStartedEvent executionStarted = 3;
        ExecutionCompletedEvent executionCompleted = 4;
        ExecutionTerminatedEvent executionTerminated = 5;
        TaskScheduledEvent taskScheduled = 6;
        TaskCompletedEvent taskCompleted = 7;
        TaskFailedEvent taskFailed = 8;
        SubOrchestrationInstanceCreatedEvent subOrchestrationInstanceCreated = 9;
        SubOrchestrationInstanceCompletedEvent subOrchestrationInstanceCompleted = 10;
        SubOrchestrationInstanceFailedEvent subOrchestrationInstanceFailed = 11;
        TimerCreatedEvent timerCreated = 12;
        TimerFiredEvent timerFired = 13;
        OrchestratorStartedEvent orchestratorStarted = 14;
        OrchestratorCompletedEvent orchestratorCompleted = 15;
        EventSentEvent eventSent = 16;
        EventRaisedEvent eventRaised = 17;
        GenericEvent genericEvent = 18;
        HistoryStateEvent historyState = 19;
        ContinueAsNewEvent continueAsNew = 20;
        ExecutionSuspendedEvent executionSuspended = 21;
        ExecutionResumedEvent executionResumed = 22;

worker 调用

workflow app 中通过调用 sidecarClient.getWorkItems() 方法来获取 work items。

Iterator<WorkItem> workItemStream = this.sidecarClient.getWorkItems(getWorkItemsRequest);

这里面就是 grpc stub 的生成代码,不细看

TaskHubSidecarService 服务器实现

TaskHubSidecarService 这个 protobuf 定义的 grpc service 的服务器端,代码实现在 durabletask-go 仓库中。

protobuf 生成的 grpc stub 的类在这里:

  • internal/protos/orchestrator_service_grpc.pb.go
  • internal/protos/orchestrator_service.pb.go

服务器端代码实现在 backend/executor.go 中:

// GetWorkItems implements protos.TaskHubSidecarServiceServer
func (g *grpcExecutor) GetWorkItems(req *protos.GetWorkItemsRequest, stream protos.TaskHubSidecarService_GetWorkItemsServer) error {

	// The worker client invokes this method, which streams back work-items as they arrive.
	for {
		select {
		case <-stream.Context().Done():
			g.logger.Infof("work item stream closed")
			return nil
		case wi := <-g.workItemQueue:
			if err := stream.Send(wi); err != nil {
				return err
		case <-g.streamShutdownChan:
			return errShuttingDown

所以返回给客户端调用的 work item stream 的数据来自 g.workItemQueue

type grpcExecutor struct {
	workItemQueue        chan *protos.WorkItem

workItemQueue 的实现逻辑

workItemQueue 在 grpcExecutor 中定义:

type grpcExecutor struct {
	workItemQueue        chan *protos.WorkItem

grpcExecutor 在 NewGrpcExecutor() 方法中构建:

// NewGrpcExecutor returns the Executor object and a method to invoke to register the gRPC server in the executor.
func NewGrpcExecutor(be Backend, logger Logger, opts ...grpcExecutorOptions) (executor Executor, registerServerFn func(grpcServer grpc.ServiceRegistrar)) {
	grpcExecutor := &grpcExecutor{
		workItemQueue:        make(chan *protos.WorkItem),
		backend:              be,
		logger:               logger,
		pendingOrchestrators: &sync.Map{},
		pendingActivities:    &sync.Map{},


将数据写入 workItemQueue 的地方有两个:

  1. ExecuteOrchestrator()

    func (executor *grpcExecutor) ExecuteOrchestrator(......) {
            workItem := &protos.WorkItem{
            Request: &protos.WorkItem_OrchestratorRequest{
                OrchestratorRequest: &protos.OrchestratorRequest{
                    InstanceId:  string(iid),
                    ExecutionId: nil,
                    PastEvents:  oldEvents,
                    NewEvents:   newEvents,
        executor.workItemQueue <- workItem:
  2. ExecuteActivity()

    func (executor *grpcExecutor) ExecuteActivity(......) {
        workItem := &protos.WorkItem{
    	Request: &protos.WorkItem_ActivityRequest{
    		ActivityRequest: &protos.ActivityRequest{
    			Name:                  task.Name,
    			Version:               task.Version,
    			Input:                 task.Input,
    			OrchestrationInstance: &protos.OrchestrationInstance{InstanceId: string(iid)},
    			TaskId:                e.EventId,
        executor.workItemQueue <- workItem:

继续跟踪看 ExecuteOrchestrator() 和 ExecuteActivity() 方法是被谁调用的,这个细节在下一节中。


获取工作任务的任务源头在 dapr sidecar,代码实现在 durabletask-go 项目的 backend/executor.go 中。