Dapr Runtime接收服务调用的inbound请求
Dapr Runtime通过gRPC internal API接收来自客户端Dapr Runtime的inbound请求
Dapr runtime 之间相互通讯走的是 gRPC internal API,这个 API 也只支持 gRPC 协议。
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participant daprd_client [
participant daprd_server [
daprd_client -[#red]> daprd_server : gRPC (remote call)
note right: internal API @ ramdon free port\n/dapr.proto.internals.v1.ServiceInvocation/CallLocal
daprd_server -> daprd_server : interceptor
daprd_server -[#blue]> : appChannel.InvokeMethod()
Runtime 初始化时,在注册 gRPC 服务时绑定了 gPRC Internal API 实现和 CallLocal gRPC 方法。对于访问 dapr.proto.internals.v1.ServiceInvocation
服务的 CallLocal
方法的 gRPC 请求,会将请求转给 _ServiceInvocation_CallLocal_Handler
func _ServiceInvocation_CallLocal_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(ServiceInvocationServer).CallLocal(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/dapr.proto.internals.v1.ServiceInvocation/CallLocal",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
// 这里调用的 srv 即 gRPC api 实现
return srv.(ServiceInvocationServer).CallLocal(ctx, req.(*InternalInvokeRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
最后进入 CallLocal() 方法进行处理。
备注:初始化的细节,请见前面章节 “Runtime初始化”
期间会有一个 interceptor 的处理流程,细节后面展开。
当 internal invoke 的 gRPC 请求进来后,就会进入 pkc/grpc/api.go
中的 CallLocal 方法:
func (a *api) CallLocal(ctx context.Context, in *internalv1pb.InternalInvokeRequest) (*internalv1pb.InternalInvokeResponse, error) {
// 1. 构造请求
req, err := invokev1.InternalInvokeRequest(in)
if a.accessControlList != nil {
// 2. 通过 appChannel 向应用发出请求
resp, err := a.appChannel.InvokeMethod(ctx, req)
// 3. 处理应答
return resp.Proto(), err
处理方式很清晰,基本上就是将请求通过 app channel 转发。Runtime 本身并没有什么额外的处理逻辑。InternalInvokeRequest() 只是简单处理一下参数:
// InternalInvokeRequest creates InvokeMethodRequest object from InternalInvokeRequest pb object.
func InternalInvokeRequest(pb *internalv1pb.InternalInvokeRequest) (*InvokeMethodRequest, error) {
req := &InvokeMethodRequest{r: pb}
if pb.Message == nil {
return nil, errors.New("Message field is nil")
return req, nil
期间会有一个 access control (访问控制)的逻辑:
if a.accessControlList != nil {
// An access control policy has been specified for the app. Apply the policies.
operation := req.Message().Method
var httpVerb commonv1pb.HTTPExtension_Verb
// Get the http verb in case the application protocol is http
if a.appProtocol == config.HTTPProtocol && req.Metadata() != nil && len(req.Metadata()) > 0 {
httpExt := req.Message().GetHttpExtension()
if httpExt != nil {
httpVerb = httpExt.GetVerb()
callAllowed, errMsg := acl.ApplyAccessControlPolicies(ctx, operation, httpVerb, a.appProtocol, a.accessControlList)
if !callAllowed {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.PermissionDenied, errMsg)