Dapr Runtime转发outbound请求

客户端的Dapr Runtime将outbound请求转发给远程服务器端的Dapr Runtime

Dapr runtime 之间相互通讯采用的是 gRPC 协议,定义有 Dapr gRPC internal API。比较特殊的是,采用随机空闲端口而不是默认端口。但也可以通过命令行参数 dapr-internal-grpc-port 指定。

title Daprd-Daprd Communication
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participant daprd_client [
participant daprd_server [

 -[#blue]> daprd_client : HTTP (localhost)
 -[#blue]> daprd_client : gRPC (localhost)
daprd_client -[#red]> daprd_server : gRPC (remote call)
note right: internal API @ ramdon free port\n/dapr.proto.internals.v1.ServiceInvocation/CallLocal

pkg/messaging/direct_messaging.go 中的 DirectMessaging 负责实现转发请求给远程 dapr runtime。


DirectMessaging 接口定义,用来调用远程应用:

// DirectMessaging is the API interface for invoking a remote app.
type DirectMessaging interface {
	Invoke(ctx context.Context, targetAppID string, req *invokev1.InvokeMethodRequest) (*invokev1.InvokeMethodResponse, error)

只有一个 invoke 方法。



invoke 方法的实现:

func (d *directMessaging) Invoke(ctx context.Context, targetAppID string, req *invokev1.InvokeMethodRequest) (*invokev1.InvokeMethodResponse, error) {
	app, err := d.getRemoteApp(targetAppID)

	if app.id == d.appID && app.namespace == d.namespace {
		return d.invokeLocal(ctx, req)   // 如果调用的 appid 就是自己的 appid,这个场景好奇怪。忽略这里的代码先
	return d.invokeWithRetry(ctx, retry.DefaultLinearRetryCount, retry.DefaultLinearBackoffInterval, app, d.invokeRemote, req)

invokeRemote 方法的代码简化如下:

func (d *directMessaging) invokeRemote(ctx context.Context, appID, namespace, appAddress string, req *invokev1.InvokeMethodRequest) (*invokev1.InvokeMethodResponse, error) {
    // 建立连接
	conn, err := d.connectionCreatorFn(context.TODO(), appAddress, appID, namespace, false, false, false)
    // 构建 gRPC stub 作为 client
	clientV1 := internalv1pb.NewServiceInvocationClient(conn)
    // 调用 gRPC 的 CallLocal 方法发出远程调用请求到另外一个 Dapr runtime
	resp, err := clientV1.CallLocal(ctx, req.Proto(), opts...)
    // 处理应答
	return invokev1.InternalInvokeResponse(resp)

发出 gRPC 请求给远程 dapr runtime

CallLocal() 方法的实现在 service_invocation_grpc.pb.go 中,这是 protoc 成生的 gRPC 代码:

func (c *serviceInvocationClient) CallLocal(ctx context.Context, in *InternalInvokeRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*InternalInvokeResponse, error) {
	out := new(InternalInvokeResponse)
	err := c.cc.Invoke(ctx, "/dapr.proto.internals.v1.ServiceInvocation/CallLocal", in, out, opts...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return out, nil

可以看到这个 gRPC 请求调用的是 dapr.proto.internals.v1.ServiceInvocation 服务的 CallLocal 方法。

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participant daprd_client [
participant daprd_server [

daprd_client -[#red]> daprd_server : gRPC (remote call)
note right: internal API @ ramdon free port\n/dapr.proto.internals.v1.ServiceInvocation/CallLocal



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participant directMessaging 
participant "Name resolver\n(consul/kubenetes/mdns)" as localNameReSolver

directMessaging -> localNameReSolver : ResolveID()
localNameReSolver -> localNameReSolver: loadBalance()
note right: kubernetes: dns name\ndns: dns name\nconsul: one address(random)\nmdsn: one address(round robbin)
localNameReSolver --> directMessaging
note right: return only one address in local cluster
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participant directMessaging 
participant "Local Name resolver\n(consul/kubenetes/mdns)" as localNameReSolver
participant "External Name resolver\n(synchronizer)" as externalNameReSolver

directMessaging -> localNameReSolver : ResolveID()
localNameReSolver --> directMessaging
note right: return service instance list in local cluster
directMessaging -[#red]> externalNameReSolver : ResolveID()
externalNameReSolver --> directMessaging
note right: return service instance list in external clusters
directMessaging -[#red]> directMessaging: combine the instance list
directMessaging -[#red]> directMessaging: filter by cluster strategy
note right: local-first\nexternal-first\nbroadcast\nlocal-only\nexternal-onluy
directMessaging -> directMessaging: loadBalance()