sentry 模块的 proto 服务定义在文件 dapr/proto/sentry/v1/sentry.proto
service CA {
// A request for a time-bound certificate to be signed.
// The requesting side must provide an id for both loosely based
// And strong based identities.
rpc SignCertificate (SignCertificateRequest) returns (SignCertificateResponse) {}
SignCertificate() 方法要求签署一个有时间限制的证书。请求方必须提供一个可以同时用于松散型身份和强势型身份的ID。
SignCertificateRequest 的定义:
message SignCertificateRequest {
string id = 1;
string token = 2;
string trust_domain = 3;
string namespace = 4;
// A PEM-encoded x509 CSR.
bytes certificate_signing_request = 5;
SignCertificateResponse 的定义:
message SignCertificateResponse {
// A PEM-encoded x509 Certificate.
bytes workload_certificate = 1;
// A list of PEM-encoded x509 Certificates that establish the trust chain
// between the workload certificate and the well-known trust root cert.
repeated bytes trust_chain_certificates = 2;
google.protobuf.Timestamp valid_until = 3;
trust_chain_certificates 是一个 PEM 编码的 x509 证书的列表,这些证书在 workload_certificate 和众所周知的信任根证书(trust root cert)之间建立信任链。