State Store Registry
stateStoreRegistry Registry 的初始化在 runtime 初始化时进行:
func NewDaprRuntime(runtimeConfig *Config, globalConfig *config.Configuration) *DaprRuntime {
stateStoreRegistry: state_loader.NewRegistry(),
func (a *DaprRuntime) initRuntime(opts *runtimeOpts) error {
这些 opts 来自 runtime 启动时的配置,如 cmd/daprd/main.go 下:
func main() {
rt, err := runtime.FromFlags()
if err != nil {
err = rt.Run(
state_loader.New("redis", func() state.Store {
return state_redis.NewRedisStateStore(logContrib)
state_loader.New("consul", func() state.Store {
return consul.NewConsulStateStore(logContrib)
state_loader.New("azure.blobstorage", func() state.Store {
return state_azure_blobstorage.NewAzureBlobStorageStore(logContrib)
state_loader.New("azure.cosmosdb", func() state.Store {
return state_cosmosdb.NewCosmosDBStateStore(logContrib)
state_loader.New("azure.tablestorage", func() state.Store {
return state_azure_tablestorage.NewAzureTablesStateStore(logContrib)
//state_loader.New("etcd", func() state.Store {
// return etcd.NewETCD(logContrib)
state_loader.New("cassandra", func() state.Store {
return cassandra.NewCassandraStateStore(logContrib)
state_loader.New("memcached", func() state.Store {
return memcached.NewMemCacheStateStore(logContrib)
state_loader.New("mongodb", func() state.Store {
return mongodb.NewMongoDB(logContrib)
state_loader.New("zookeeper", func() state.Store {
return zookeeper.NewZookeeperStateStore(logContrib)
state_loader.New("gcp.firestore", func() state.Store {
return firestore.NewFirestoreStateStore(logContrib)
state_loader.New("postgresql", func() state.Store {
return postgresql.NewPostgreSQLStateStore(logContrib)
state_loader.New("sqlserver", func() state.Store {
return sqlserver.NewSQLServerStateStore(logContrib)
state_loader.New("hazelcast", func() state.Store {
return hazelcast.NewHazelcastStore(logContrib)
state_loader.New("cloudstate.crdt", func() state.Store {
return cloudstate.NewCRDT(logContrib)
state_loader.New("couchbase", func() state.Store {
return couchbase.NewCouchbaseStateStore(logContrib)
state_loader.New("aerospike", func() state.Store {
return aerospike.NewAerospikeStateStore(logContrib)
在这里配置各种 state store 的实现。
State Store Registry的实现方式
// Registry is an interface for a component that returns registered state store implementations
type Registry interface {
Register(components ...State)
CreateStateStore(name string) (state.Store, error)
type stateStoreRegistry struct {
stateStores map[string]func() state.Store
state.Store 是 dapr 定义的标准 state store的接口,所有的实现都要遵循这个接口。定义在 github.com/dapr/components-contrib/state/store.go
// Store is an interface to perform operations on store
type Store interface {
Init(metadata Metadata) error
Delete(req *DeleteRequest) error
BulkDelete(req []DeleteRequest) error
Get(req *GetRequest) (*GetResponse, error)
Set(req *SetRequest) error
BulkSet(req []SetRequest) error
前面 runtime 初始化时,每个实现都通过 New 方法将 name 和对应的 state store 关联起来:
type State struct {
Name string
FactoryMethod func() state.Store
func New(name string, factoryMethod func() state.Store) State {
return State{
Name: name,
FactoryMethod: factoryMethod,
State Store的初始化流程
pkg/runtime/runtime.go :
State 的初始化在 runtime 初始化时进行:
func (a *DaprRuntime) initRuntime(opts *runtimeOpts) error {
go a.processComponents()
func (a *DaprRuntime) processComponents() {
for {
comp, more := <-a.pendingComponents
if !more {
a.pendingComponentsDone <- true
if err := a.processOneComponent(comp); err != nil {
log.Errorf("process component %s error, %s", comp.Name, err)
func (a *DaprRuntime) processOneComponent(comp components_v1alpha1.Component) error {
res := a.preprocessOneComponent(&comp)
compCategory := a.figureOutComponentCategory(comp)
return nil
func (a *DaprRuntime) doProcessOneComponent(category ComponentCategory, comp components_v1alpha1.Component) error {
switch category {
case stateComponent:
return a.initState(comp)
return nil
// Refer for state store api decision https://github.com/dapr/dapr/blob/master/docs/decision_records/api/API-008-multi-state-store-api-design.md
func (a *DaprRuntime) initState(s components_v1alpha1.Component) error {
// 构建 state store(这里才开始集成components的代码)
store, err := a.stateStoreRegistry.CreateStateStore(s.Spec.Type)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("error creating state store %s: %s", s.Spec.Type, err)
diag.DefaultMonitoring.ComponentInitFailed(s.Spec.Type, "creation")
return err
if store != nil {
props := a.convertMetadataItemsToProperties(s.Spec.Metadata)
// components的store实现在这里做初始化,如建连
err := store.Init(state.Metadata{
Properties: props,
if err != nil {
diag.DefaultMonitoring.ComponentInitFailed(s.Spec.Type, "init")
log.Warnf("error initializing state store %s: %s", s.Spec.Type, err)
return err
// 将初始化完成的store实现存放在runtime中
a.stateStores[s.ObjectMeta.Name] = store
// set specified actor store if "actorStateStore" is true in the spec.
actorStoreSpecified := props[actorStateStore]
if actorStoreSpecified == "true" {
if a.actorStateStoreCount++; a.actorStateStoreCount == 1 {
a.actorStateStoreName = s.ObjectMeta.Name
if a.actorStateStoreName == "" || a.actorStateStoreCount != 1 {
log.Warnf("either no actor state store or multiple actor state stores are specified in the configuration, actor stores specified: %d", a.actorStateStoreCount)
return nil
其中 CreateStateStore 方法的实现在 pkg/components/state/registry.go
func (s *stateStoreRegistry) CreateStateStore(name string) (state.Store, error) {
if method, ok := s.stateStores[name]; ok {
return method(), nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("couldn't find state store %s", name)