用于定制 runtime 中包含的组件
Dapr runtime package中的 options.go 文件的源码学习,用于定制 runtime 中包含的组件。
runtimeOpts 结构体定义
runtimeOpts封装了需要包含在 runtime 中的 component:
type (
// runtimeOpts encapsulates the components to include in the runtime.
runtimeOpts struct {
secretStores []secretstores.SecretStore
states []state.State
pubsubs []pubsub.PubSub
nameResolutions []nameresolution.NameResolution
inputBindings []bindings.InputBinding
outputBindings []bindings.OutputBinding
httpMiddleware []http.Middleware
Option 方法
Option 方法用于定制 runtime:
type (
// Option is a function that customizes the runtime.
Option func(o *runtimeOpts)
提供多个 WithXxx() 方法,用于定制 runtime 的组件:
// WithSecretStores adds secret store components to the runtime.
func WithSecretStores(secretStores ...secretstores.SecretStore) Option {
return func(o *runtimeOpts) {
o.secretStores = append(o.secretStores, secretStores...)
// WithStates adds state store components to the runtime.
func WithStates(states ...state.State) Option {
return func(o *runtimeOpts) {
o.states = append(o.states, states...)
// WithPubSubs adds pubsub store components to the runtime.
func WithPubSubs(pubsubs ...pubsub.PubSub) Option {
return func(o *runtimeOpts) {
o.pubsubs = append(o.pubsubs, pubsubs...)
// WithNameResolutions adds name resolution components to the runtime.
func WithNameResolutions(nameResolutions ...nameresolution.NameResolution) Option {
return func(o *runtimeOpts) {
o.nameResolutions = append(o.nameResolutions, nameResolutions...)
// WithInputBindings adds input binding components to the runtime.
func WithInputBindings(inputBindings ...bindings.InputBinding) Option {
return func(o *runtimeOpts) {
o.inputBindings = append(o.inputBindings, inputBindings...)
// WithOutputBindings adds output binding components to the runtime.
func WithOutputBindings(outputBindings ...bindings.OutputBinding) Option {
return func(o *runtimeOpts) {
o.outputBindings = append(o.outputBindings, outputBindings...)
// WithHTTPMiddleware adds HTTP middleware components to the runtime.
func WithHTTPMiddleware(httpMiddleware ...http.Middleware) Option {
return func(o *runtimeOpts) {
o.httpMiddleware = append(o.httpMiddleware, httpMiddleware...)
这些方法都只是简单的往 runtimeOpts 结构体的各个组件字段里面保存信息,用于后续 runtime 的初始化。