
credentials 结构体持有证书相关的各种 path

Dapr credentials package中的 certchain.go 文件的源码学习,credentials 结构体持有证书相关的各种 path。

CertChain 结构体定义

CertChain 结构体持有证书信任链的PEM值:

// CertChain holds the certificate trust chain PEM values
type CertChain struct {
	RootCA []byte
	Cert   []byte
	Key    []byte

装载证书的LoadFromDisk 方法

LoadFromDisk 方法从给定目录中读取 CertChain:

// LoadFromDisk retruns a CertChain from a given directory
func LoadFromDisk(rootCertPath, issuerCertPath, issuerKeyPath string) (*CertChain, error) {
   rootCert, err := ioutil.ReadFile(rootCertPath)
   if err != nil {
      return nil, err
   cert, err := ioutil.ReadFile(issuerCertPath)
   if err != nil {
      return nil, err
   key, err := ioutil.ReadFile(issuerKeyPath)
   if err != nil {
      return nil, err
   return &CertChain{
      RootCA: rootCert,
      Cert:   cert,
      Key:    key,
   }, nil


placement 的 main.go 中,如果 mTLS 开启了,则会读取 tls 证书:

func loadCertChains(certChainPath string) *credentials.CertChain {
   tlsCreds := credentials.NewTLSCredentials(certChainPath)

   log.Info("mTLS enabled, getting tls certificates")
   // try to load certs from disk, if not yet there, start a watch on the local filesystem
   chain, err := credentials.LoadFromDisk(tlsCreds.RootCertPath(), tlsCreds.CertPath(), tlsCreds.KeyPath())

operator 的 operator.go 中,也会判断,如果 MTLSEnabled :

var certChain *credentials.CertChain
if o.config.MTLSEnabled {
   log.Info("mTLS enabled, getting tls certificates")
   // try to load certs from disk, if not yet there, start a watch on the local filesystem
   chain, err := credentials.LoadFromDisk(o.config.Credentials.RootCertPath(), o.config.Credentials.CertPath(), o.config.Credentials.KeyPath())


sentry 中也有调用:

func (c *defaultCA) validateAndBuildTrustBundle() (*trustRootBundle, error) {
	var (
		issuerCreds     *certs.Credentials
		rootCertBytes   []byte
		issuerCertBytes []byte

	// certs exist on disk or getting created, load them when ready
	if !shouldCreateCerts(c.config) {
		err := detectCertificates(c.config.RootCertPath)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		certChain, err := credentials.LoadFromDisk(c.config.RootCertPath, c.config.IssuerCertPath, c.config.IssuerKeyPath)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error loading cert chain from disk")

TODO: 证书相关的细节后面单独细看。