

从proto api定义文件生成的golang代码,被存放在dapr项目的 pkg/proto/ 目录下。


DaprServer 是 dapr 服务的服务器端API定义,包含多个 state 相关的方法:

// DaprServer is the server API for Dapr service.
type DaprServer interface {
	// Gets the state for a specific key.
	GetState(context.Context, *GetStateRequest) (*GetStateResponse, error)
	// Gets a bulk of state items for a list of keys
	GetBulkState(context.Context, *GetBulkStateRequest) (*GetBulkStateResponse, error)
	// Saves the state for a specific key.
	SaveState(context.Context, *SaveStateRequest) (*empty.Empty, error)
	// Deletes the state for a specific key.
	DeleteState(context.Context, *DeleteStateRequest) (*empty.Empty, error)
	// Executes transactions for a specified store
	ExecuteStateTransaction(context.Context, *ExecuteStateTransactionRequest) (*empty.Empty, error)