1 - 状态管理API的概述
2 - 状态管理API的Proto定义
State API的定义
State Management API 定义在 proto文件 dapr/proto/runtime/v1/dapr.proto 中:
service Dapr {
// Gets the state for a specific key.
rpc GetState(GetStateRequest) returns (GetStateResponse) {}
// Gets a bulk of state items for a list of keys
rpc GetBulkState(GetBulkStateRequest) returns (GetBulkStateResponse) {}
// Saves the state for a specific key.
rpc SaveState(SaveStateRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Deletes the state for a specific key.
rpc DeleteState(DeleteStateRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Executes transactions for a specified store
rpc ExecuteStateTransaction(ExecuteStateTransactionRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// StateOptions configures concurrency and consistency for state operations
message StateOptions {
// Enum describing the supported concurrency for state.
enum StateConcurrency {
// Enum describing the supported consistency for state.
enum StateConsistency {
StateConcurrency concurrency = 1;
StateConsistency consistency = 2;
get state
GetStateRequest 包含store_name/key,还有并发要求和请求级别的metadata:
// GetStateRequest is the message to get key-value states from specific state store.
message GetStateRequest {
// The name of state store.
string store_name = 1;
// The key of the desired state
string key = 2;
// The read consistency of the state store.
common.v1.StateOptions.StateConsistency consistency = 3;
// The metadata which will be sent to state store components.
map<string,string> metadata = 4;
GetStateResponse 包含byte[] 形式的 state 数据 data,和特殊表示数据特定版本的etag:
// GetStateResponse is the response conveying the state value and etag.
message GetStateResponse {
// The byte array data
bytes data = 1;
// The entity tag which represents the specific version of data.
// ETag format is defined by the corresponding data store.
string etag = 2;
Get Bulk State
GetBulkStateRequest 是批量接口,一次性获取多个key的数据:
// GetBulkStateRequest is the message to get a list of key-value states from specific state store.
message GetBulkStateRequest {
// The name of state store.
string store_name = 1;
// The keys to get.
repeated string keys = 2;
// The number of parallel operations executed on the state store for a get operation.
// 在状态存储上用于get操作的并行操作执行的数量:也就是并发数,同时执行的请求数量
int32 parallelism = 3;
// The metadata which will be sent to state store components.
// 请求级别,意味着所有的key都是使用同样的metadata
map<string,string> metadata = 4;
// GetBulkStateResponse is the response conveying the list of state values.
message GetBulkStateResponse {
// The list of items containing the keys to get values for.
// 为啥不用map?
repeated BulkStateItem items = 1;
// BulkStateItem is the response item for a bulk get operation.
// Return values include the item key, data and etag.
message BulkStateItem {
// state item key
string key = 1;
// The byte array data
bytes data = 2;
// The entity tag which represents the specific version of data.
// ETag format is defined by the corresponding data store.
string etag = 3;
// The error that was returned from the state store in case of a failed get operation.
// 这里考虑了出错的可能,有机会给出错误信息
// 但是,单个get state 操作怎么没有定义错误信息?
// 只能在http/grpc协议层上报错?TODO:看看代码实现
string error = 4;
Save State
SaveStateRequest 支持多个状态的保存:
// SaveStateRequest is the message to save multiple states into state store.
message SaveStateRequest {
// The name of state store.
string store_name = 1;
// The array of the state key values.
repeated common.v1.StateItem states = 2;
// StateItem represents state key, value, and additional options to save state.
message StateItem {
// Required. The state key
string key = 1;
// Required. The state data for key
bytes value = 2;
// The entity tag which represents the specific version of data.
// The exact ETag format is defined by the corresponding data store.
string etag = 3;
// The metadata which will be passed to state store component.
map<string,string> metadata = 4;
// Options for concurrency and consistency to save the state.
StateOptions options = 5;
response为 google.protobuf.Empty。
Delete State
// DeleteStateRequest is the message to delete key-value states in the specific state store.
message DeleteStateRequest {
// The name of state store.
string store_name = 1;
// The key of the desired state
string key = 2;
// The entity tag which represents the specific version of data.
// The exact ETag format is defined by the corresponding data store.
string etag = 3;
// State operation options which includes concurrency/
// consistency/retry_policy.
common.v1.StateOptions options = 4;
// The metadata which will be sent to state store components.
map<string,string> metadata = 5;
response为 google.protobuf.Empty。
Execute State Transaction
// ExecuteStateTransactionRequest is the message to execute multiple operations on a specified store.
message ExecuteStateTransactionRequest {
// Required. name of state store.
string storeName = 1;
// Required. transactional operation list.
repeated TransactionalStateOperation operations = 2;
// The metadata used for transactional operations.
map<string,string> metadata = 3;
// TransactionalStateOperation is the message to execute a specified operation with a key-value pair.
message TransactionalStateOperation {
// The type of operation to be executed
// 具体有哪些操作?
string operationType = 1;
// State values to be operated on
common.v1.StateItem request = 2;
response为 google.protobuf.Empty。
3 - 状态管理API的golang生成代码
从proto api定义文件生成的golang代码,被存放在dapr项目的 pkg/proto/
DaprServer 是 dapr 服务的服务器端API定义,包含多个 state 相关的方法:
// DaprServer is the server API for Dapr service.
type DaprServer interface {
// Gets the state for a specific key.
GetState(context.Context, *GetStateRequest) (*GetStateResponse, error)
// Gets a bulk of state items for a list of keys
GetBulkState(context.Context, *GetBulkStateRequest) (*GetBulkStateResponse, error)
// Saves the state for a specific key.
SaveState(context.Context, *SaveStateRequest) (*empty.Empty, error)
// Deletes the state for a specific key.
DeleteState(context.Context, *DeleteStateRequest) (*empty.Empty, error)
// Executes transactions for a specified store
ExecuteStateTransaction(context.Context, *ExecuteStateTransactionRequest) (*empty.Empty, error)
4 - 状态管理API的go client定义
type DaprClient interface {
// Gets the state for a specific key.
GetState(ctx context.Context, in *GetStateRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*GetStateResponse, error)
// Gets a bulk of state items for a list of keys
GetBulkState(ctx context.Context, in *GetBulkStateRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*GetBulkStateResponse, error)
// Saves the state for a specific key.
SaveState(ctx context.Context, in *SaveStateRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*empty.Empty, error)
// Deletes the state for a specific key.
DeleteState(ctx context.Context, in *DeleteStateRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*empty.Empty, error)
// Executes transactions for a specified store
ExecuteStateTransaction(ctx context.Context, in *ExecuteStateTransactionRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*empty.Empty, error)
Get State
以 Get State 为例看 DaprClient 的实现:
func (c *daprClient) GetState(ctx context.Context, in *GetStateRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*GetStateResponse, error) {
out := new(GetStateResponse)
err := c.cc.Invoke(ctx, "/dapr.proto.runtime.v1.Dapr/GetState", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
5 - 状态管理API的go sdk封装
go sdk使用案例
对于简单场景,只要给出 store name / key / data 就好了:
ctx := context.Background()
data := []byte("hello")
store := "my-store" // defined in the component YAML
// save state with the key key1
if err := client.SaveState(ctx, store, "key1", data); err != nil {
// get state for key key1
item, err := client.GetState(ctx, store, "key1")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("data [key:%s etag:%s]: %s", item.Key, item.Etag, string(item.Value))
// delete state for key key1
if err := client.DeleteState(ctx, store, "key1"); err != nil {
get state
// GetState retreaves state from specific store using default consistency option.
func (c *GRPCClient) GetState(ctx context.Context, store, key string) (item *StateItem, err error) {
return c.GetStateWithConsistency(ctx, store, key, StateConsistencyStrong)
但,默认并发选项是 StateConsistencyStrong,强一致性。
完整的get 方法:
// GetStateWithConsistency retreaves state from specific store using provided state consistency.
func (c *GRPCClient) GetStateWithConsistency(ctx context.Context, store, key string, sc StateConsistency) (item *StateItem, err error) {
if store == "" {
return nil, errors.New("nil store")
if key == "" {
return nil, errors.New("nil key")
req := &pb.GetStateRequest{
StoreName: store,
Key: key,
Consistency: (v1.StateOptions_StateConsistency(sc)),
result, err := c.protoClient.GetState(authContext(ctx), req)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error getting state")
return &StateItem{
Etag: result.Etag,
Key: key,
Value: result.Data,
}, nil