Output Binding的定义
Output Binding API 定义在 proto文件 dapr/proto/runtime/v1/dapr.proto 中:
service Dapr {
// Invokes binding data to specific output bindings
rpc InvokeBinding(InvokeBindingRequest) returns (InvokeBindingResponse) {}
InvokeBindingRequest 包含一个被绑定资源的name,数据data,元数据metadata和绑定资源的操作类型operaion:
// InvokeBindingRequest is the message to send data to output bindings
message InvokeBindingRequest {
// The name of the output binding to invoke.
string name = 1;
// The data which will be sent to output binding.
bytes data = 2;
// The metadata passing to output binding components
// Common metadata property:
// - ttlInSeconds : the time to live in seconds for the message.
// If set in the binding definition will cause all messages to
// have a default time to live. The message ttl overrides any value
// in the binding definition.
map<string,string> metadata = 3;
// The name of the operation type for the binding to invoke
string operation = 4;
InvokeBindingResponse 的定义:
// InvokeBindingResponse is the message returned from an output binding invocation
message InvokeBindingResponse {
// The data which will be sent to output binding.
bytes data = 1;
// The metadata returned from an external system
map<string,string> metadata = 2;
Input Binding的定义
Input Binding API 定义在 proto文件 dapr/proto/runtime/v1/appcallback.proto 中:
service AppCallback {
// Lists all input bindings subscribed by this app.
rpc ListInputBindings(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (ListInputBindingsResponse) {}
// Listens events from the input bindings
// User application can save the states or send the events to the output
// bindings optionally by returning BindingEventResponse.
rpc OnBindingEvent(BindingEventRequest) returns (BindingEventResponse) {}
ListInputBindingsResponse 的定义:
// ListInputBindingsResponse is the message including the list of input bindings.
message ListInputBindingsResponse {
// The list of input bindings.
repeated string bindings = 1;
// BindingEventRequest represents input bindings event.
message BindingEventRequest {
// Requried. The name of the input binding component.
string name = 1;
// Required. The payload that the input bindings sent
bytes data = 2;
// The metadata set by the input binging components.
map<string,string> metadata = 3;
BindingEventResponse 的定义:
// BindingEventResponse includes operations to save state or
// send data to output bindings optionally.
message BindingEventResponse {
// The name of state store where states are saved.
string store_name = 1;
// The state key values which will be stored in store_name.
repeated common.v1.StateItem states = 2;
// BindingEventConcurrency is the kind of concurrency
enum BindingEventConcurrency {
// SEQUENTIAL sends data to output bindings specified in "to" sequentially.
// PARALLEL sends data to output bindings specified in "to" in parallel.
// The list of output bindings.
repeated string to = 3;
// The content which will be sent to "to" output bindings.
bytes data = 4;
// The concurrency of output bindings to send data to
// "to" output bindings list. The default is SEQUENTIAL.
BindingEventConcurrency concurrency = 5;